What to expect:
Come and join us to discuss the music and dance of Son Cubano, the Grandfather of Salsa. This is an interactive discussion with instruments to explain the rhythm, the dance, and how this interacts with modern day ‘Salsa’ and of course the music, some of which may surprise you as many of the modern day tracks you hear still use the foundations of Son so can be danced tiempo or contra-teimpo
Please note this is not a teaching environment, but simply away to open up discussion, raise questions and openly explore the music and dance. Feedback will be passed back to friends and teachers in the UK who can develop your understanding of the history and development of the rhythms within Salsa.
This is the first of three discussions
We are being supported by the Suffolk Community Foundation with this event, so the event will be free of charge, however we will be accepting donations to our CiC so we can bring more to these interactive discussions.

How to contact us:
07814 030343 (Shaun)

We are super excited to see you there!!!!
We are a Community Interest Company (CIC) with profits locked for community benefit only, this allows us to actively promote and support Cuban dance alongside the local teachers and groups within East Anglia.


El Rincón Cubano – A discussion about Son Cubano

(The Cuban Corner)

Free entry – donations to CNC welcome

Isaacs on the Quay, Ipswich

A discussion around the music, dance and tradition of Son Cubano, the grandfather of Salsa!

Date: Sunday 29th SeptemberAugust 2024
Time: 6pm til 8pm
Venue: The Crossway Room, Isaacs on the Quay, 7 Wherry Quay, Ipswich IP4 1AS